Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another one done!

I participated in the quilt-along on Took me just a little longer than the average participant, I suppose, but I did it. I used Moda Malibu Monkeys. I adore that fabric. I don't think I can part with it. I did the binding differently this time. I totally machine stitched it. I like it better when I hand stitch the final part. It looks so nice.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Today's project...

was a dress for dear Olivia. We went to the fabric store yesterday to get some more white cotton for the quilt top that I'm working on for my bed. Denim was on sale for half price so I thought that would make a nice skirt for the Patty Young pattern that I had picked up at the Quilt Barn a few weeks ago. I was really yearning for some Michael Miller fabric called Summer Soiree. Not able to find the three pieces I wanted anywhere, so... boo hoo for me. Olivia found some fantastic lime green and purple fabric that she loved. It had a coordinating dot piece in purple. I can't wait to make this pattern again. It's adorable on her!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Inspiration strikes...

Today I felt like sewing. I had a charm pack of American Jane Recess fabric that I wanted to make a purse with. I got a pattern from This and That called Little Scraps. It's really a beach bag, but the small size works as a large purse. Took me all afternoon to cut and sew it, but it is done.

I embroidered a sweet saying on a piece of muslin quite a while back. I finished making it into a pillow today. I loooove it oh so much. I hope he will always do it... I know I will!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Twice in one week...

Today was a "work at the spa day" so I didn't do a darn thing. Yesterday I made a shower curtain look all pretty and started sewing blocks for a quilt for our bed. I can't wait to get it done. It is going to look great in there.

Tomorrow we will pick apricots for jam and other delightful treats. I hope my kids like that idea. I don't like apricots.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

So neglected...

I always want to wait until I have pics of my projects to write about them. No more! I am just going to use this thing like a daily calendar to chart the things I got done.

Today I worked on some sewing. I finished the Malibu Monkey quilt top and got the fabric stitched together for the back. It was a sew-along with OhFransson. I'm just a little behind. I think it will be cute when it is all quilted. I wonder who will want it... Every chick in my family fights over the monkey fabric things I sew.

I fixed a pair of pj's too. One less thing to do.

The dishwasher flooded the kitchen about 3 weeks ago. We got new flooring put in. It looks great! We got solid oak. Tomorrow the workmen will be coming to finish up. The baseboards need done and the rest of the trimming. It is so much nicer to walk on than the laminate.